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Old 29-05-2017, 03:38 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by The Necromancer
Oooohhhh...I was just surfing the internet looking for stuff about this and there isn't much...but here's what I got:

I was interested but the first one just went on and on about the limitations the world cultures place on spirituality and I don't need to know about that right now... although I hadn't realized how much western cultures denigrate other cultures to keep them from gaining traction. Explains a lot of stuff I see on this site! but it seemed a great intro for people who don't know the topic

the second one sounded interesting but the video wasn't there... I at least found out the devas are in vehicles though!

I read through the third one but nothing much there...

thanks for digging all this up for me though
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