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Old 18-11-2018, 09:35 PM
EmergingPath EmergingPath is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Texas
Posts: 36
Great thread and discussion!

There are some great book and authors around this topic, with Michael Newton (Life Between Lives) and Brian Weiss (Many Lives, many masters)the two that come to mind that resonate with me.

So, from my perspective I think we need to first realize that our feelings and our response here are coming through our human mind and perspective which perhaps may be different then how we might view this between incarnations. So, regardless of how I feel about this, I realize that whatever I say is only coming from my human perspective.

Originally Posted by Metafizzypop
No, we never sign on for abuse unless we're masochists. This is another reason I feel people don't pick their families. It's because there are so many children who are subject to abuse from their families. It's not like there's a lesson to be learned from abuse. The only lesson learned is that people can be abusive. We gain nothing from the experience. Who would pick that?

Good question. Depending upon your belief on how this might work, YOU might pick that, for a couple of reasons that come to mind. I believe that our entire journey through all incarnations is to strive to improve.

But when incarnated, I think you still have free will regardless of your pre-incarnate intentions. Free to wallow in the worst, or best, of human urges.

If in your past incarnation or two you were an abuser to others, perhaps this time around you wanted to learn what it feels to be abused.

Or perhaps to balance their "Karma account.

Or perhaps a close soulmate needed your help to overcome an issue and you agreed to participate. And if you did perhaps that deviated from the initial intentions.

I agree that from a human perspective I would never willingly sign up for abuse. But our non-incarnate memory is purposely kept hidden from most of us so we cannot know our intentions for this incarnation.

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