Thread: Reincarnation
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Old 16-03-2011, 05:33 PM
Posts: n/a
The sage Narada once brought the dead son of a king, back to life, after being poisoned. The king's son due to the touch of narada was able to recall some of his past lives. One of them was that of a vegetable but the life before as the kings son, he was a celestial. As a celestial he live many hundred of thousand of years. Once dying as celestial he degressed to a normal human birth. This means a soul can travel both to higher and lower realms if he is not careful. After describing his different births to his parents he realized he was not the kings son or the celestial but the soul his parents too realized this and this soul broke the shackles of material ties and returned to the eternal realm of vaikuntha.

The soul cannot be made wet by water, burnt by fire, parched by air or cut by products of the earth element like steel. Therefore nothing in this material realm can harm. The soul is thus eternal and spirit. His wealth is his deeds, sin is his debts.
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