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Old 06-06-2018, 11:42 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,729
Originally Posted by barrynu
Hi Nameless.
Its been a long time since we spoke,probably 2012/2013 when we first joined here..A lot has gone on with me since then.not too much has changed in the physical but my spiritual/energetic growth has moved quite a bit.
I haven't been to the stone circles or anywhere energetic for a while as I have my own personal fountain of energy now but all those earlier travels were so important.

On the subject of peoples names here,I think you have the coolest
I agree that none of us are from Earth as this is not where our Spirit was created but it is our home till Death.The UNIVERSE is our home....and maybe even more that we cannot comprehend yet.

Robbie is not my style,I believe we have different musical tastes so we probably won't ever go to a concert together

My hubby taught my son & daughter how to play the guitar when they were young and along the way he kiped their musical style - they like just what he likes, so I'm used to not having the same musical taste (from a former Carpenter's groupie LOL).
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