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Old 16-07-2018, 04:26 PM
Pleroo Pleroo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 140
"It's not the absence of their love for you that's got you all jacked up, it's the absence of your love for them. You would feel no pain whatsoever if every person on the planet hated you; it's your hate of them that hurts you. It feels justified to hate someone that you think hates you. But it's not their hate that hurts. It's yours, because your Inner Being only loves, and when your Inner Being is loving and you're not letting yourself go there then you're separated from who you are, and it feels like it's their fault. But it isn't; it's up to you."

Ps. If that's the thoughts of a 'negative entity' then it's doing a sucky job of being negative. ;)
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