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Old 05-03-2018, 01:24 AM
Dawn1976 Dawn1976 is offline
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Location: NJ, USA
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Spirits who come through in dreams

It's been a long time since I tried to open myself up. I get messages from spirits, usually in my dreams, and many times I can't make sense of any of it. I wish I could harness it but for the last few years I honestly gave up, life was just pulling me in all different directions.

The last few nights I went to sleep listening to meditation music -- it was binaural beats type stuff at a certain Hz that was designed to assist in meditation. I've noticed a difference right away. I feel better when I wake up, and I have more dreams.

Last night, I had a dream in which a girl was missing, her name was Danielle, and everyone was trying to find her. I knew where she last seen and we were all trying to find her. I had tried to reach out to her "psychically" in my dream, and I was frustrated because I couldn't reach her. I couldn't figure out how to make contact with her spirit.

When I woke up I was curious if this was real or just a dream. I started searching for missing women who worked at the restaurant that was in my dream. Sure enough, I found a woman named Danielle who went missing back in 2008, she lived in my town and she worked at the same restaurant that was in my dream. And this type of stuff happens to me alot. I get knowledge of situations or people from a dream and when I look it up to see if it's real or not, it always is real.

So now, I have no clue how to purposely set out and contact a spirit. Maybe Danielle is trying to tell me what happened to her? All my experiences in life that I can remember, spirits just "break thru" from the other side with random messages or they just appear and make known to me who they are. These are always in my meditation states -- when I'm quieting myself and focusing on chakra balancing or listening to meditation music. I never know what to do. If I even try to sit still and contact a specific spirit, nothing ever happens. So I get frustrated and give up.

Does anyone here have any advice for me? Anything I can try to hone this ability better? If spirits wanna pop in I don't mind, but if there is a message I'd like to make sure I can give the message to whoever the spirit would like me to give it to.
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge" --Carl Sagan
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