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Old 10-12-2013, 03:34 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
I never heard of the Slender Man before... but I just did a bunch of reading online about it.

I live in the woods too... and all I can say is; I don't believe a word of it!

Sure there are strange beings and creatures out there that we don't know about; and the Slender Man fits the description of half a dozen or more creatures and aliens from mythology. So I would say if these things were going to get us, heck, we're not even safe in our own homes! Maybe that was bad to say... but

I'm not too worried about it, and I don't think any of us should be. If I see a Slender Man hanging around in my backyard; I'll show no fear... I'll stalk him with the intent to have him for dinner. What will he do then? No fear, no victim?

Negative entities feed on fear and negativity; if we don't give them that, they got no ammo.

And besides all that... Slander Man was made up and is a fictional character.

I would be more worried about those darn Grey aliens!!!! Only kidding

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