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Old 31-07-2017, 11:07 AM
Lighthousekeeper Lighthousekeeper is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 37

I'm not actually a Wiccan (though I do think we all carry our own "magic" regardless of beliefs) but I used to have a beautiful torti cat, who I very sadly miss now.
Also at a time I tried crystal healing, making the mistake of telling a neighbour about it.

The news spread ... and a few weeks later a group of local children approached me ,for the oldest to explain to the youngers the I was the witch she'd heard about ... in church!

Turned out she'd overheard my neighbours chatting about my "strange" habits, and decided to point me out to her fellows!

I approached the local vicar, who was concerned about this, and promised to speak to the kids about getting it wrong, and the adults about being careful of being overheard!

All settled down, with me being assured by one of the parents that the kids had had it explained to them that I was innocent of the gossip, despite the fact that I had a cat! My lovely girl had got me into bother just by being there!

I reallly miss her still - she was a special friend, especially in times of stress.

I hope she visits me sometimes, even if I'm not aware.

Blessings to all.
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