Thread: Right to die??
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Old 03-06-2006, 02:07 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by psychic sue
What about suicide? I don't mean for a physical reason, I mean when someone just can't go on with life? Do you think that is OK? Does anyone think suicides are "punished" as some orthodox churches tell us? I'd like to hear views on this.

Sue x
Hi Sue -
I know the "orthodox" view is that suicides are punished - I have heard, by having to live out their days (which were planned before birth) on the etheric planes (really an upper area of the physical plane), and not be able to complete the death process until done. When my wife asked me to assist her to do this, I refused, thinking at that time that if she had learnt all that she needed to learn from the experience, her I AM Presence would withdraw her; and who was I to interfere with that? I feel differently now, although would still find difficulty in providing such assistance... Urkkk!

However, I believe that in all our decisions and actions, the most important thing is the INTENT which we had in mind. If the reason behind suiciding is the conscious intent to avoid a lesson, then I would say that we would be held in the lesson until it was absorbed (whatever experience that required). If suiciding to make things easier for someone else, it would likely not cause such an interruption of the normal course of the death process.

I don't think a blanket statement can be made that would cover all circumstances, except to say it will depend on the individual and their intents at the time... ours not to judge their actions!

I believe that in ancient times, when people lived to a ripe old age of 2000 or more, and felt they had cleared all karma they had made in that life and done all they felt they needed to do for that sojourn, they could and would intend to be free of their body - and die in their sleep. People today who have ascended to a certain level can also die simply by intent to do so; it is up to them to be aware of their motivations and the likely consequences of doing that. I guess the same could be accorded to those who are not able to will themselves to die by intent, but are finding the body too painful or incapacitated that continuing to live is simply prolonging a nightmare for everyone concerned - then I feel no blame can be attached, if indeed it is proper to attach blame in any case (I believe it is not our place to do so). The fact that relatives may be saddened to see their loved one go is simply due to a lack of understanding of the death process (and perhaps a bit of selfishness!) For death is a gateway; it is not the end; and if people really believed that, they wouldn't perhaps be so clinging. Animals in the wild know this instinctively, and, we are told, view death quite differently from humans, who usually cling to life like.. dear life!
