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Old 01-10-2011, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by GregoryScott
Thanx, I just wish I was a better artist, my portrait doesn’t do what I actually saw justice. For my mind to create something so complex without ever seeing anything like it before just doesn’t seem plausible to me. It appeared too intelligent like it served a purpose... That's just my thoughts.

Something that I’ve been wondering recently; if I hadn’t looked into the mirror would I have even seen this tunnel? I ask this because my eyesight seemed fine up to that point. It was the precise second that I turned around and looked into the mirror that this thing appeared. It looked like it came out of the mirror then engulfed my vision completely.

Yeah, I’ve had a few OBE’s, but don’t remember seeing anything like that again; I’m not saying others don’t. Sometimes I see flashes of multi-colored lights followed by a popping sound, but that was completely different from the tunnel.

Was that your first almost OBE, or have you had others?

Thank you for your response Rainbowcrow

Hi Greg,
yes, that was my first 'almost' OBE, I have recently brought some books on OBEs and APing, so I hope to have more experiences. It has actually taken some time for me to get my head around my OBE experience and I really want to make sure that I work through the 'fear' side of it all before having a conscious attempt at achieving another. I have to say though, the complete awe I have for the spontaneous experience has really overridden much of the fear, but I want to feel totally confident before I experience something similar again.
The way in which you talk about your 'tunnel' experience sounds very similar to how I felt about my OBE. There is just the sense that it happened for a reason and that there is no way that my 'brain' could have created such a detailed reality - and that's the point, it was just so damned REAL!! I know that what I felt and saw was not as simple as a hallucination or a dream - it was a very profound experience on a conscious level. I also felt like it was an experience that I HAD to HAVE for whatever reason.
Whether you would have had the experience if you hadn't of looked into the mirror, I don't know, but you DID have the experience and I think that's all that counts. The fact that it has got you exploring beyond physical reality and into the deep, dark depths of consciousness, I think is a really important factor since, in my opinion, I really believe that these things happen for a reason. I was wondering, and forgive me if you have mentioned this in an earlier post, but have you found any accounts of others who have had a similar experience to yours? It certainly would be interesting to be able to 'compare notes' and see if the mirror was in fact some sort of 'trigger'. Your experience really does fascinate me, especially since it compares so well to NDEs.

rc xo
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