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Old 02-06-2019, 07:45 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Originally Posted by Metadyjital
Hey guys, I am trying to marry my christian faith with what I feel is an intuitive knowing within about many metaphysical ideologies. I wondered if you could suggest a book, website, author, group that I might explore these ideas further

thank you for you help!

If you will, these are the steps you are to take. First and foremost, find out your purpose or calling from God and why He allowed you to be born on earth. Secondly, ask God for a mentor according to what you desire; one that knows the metaphysical did of things, but I will talk of this "meraphysical" thing in a little more detail. Thirdly is you are to follow His Words which are stated in the Bible.

Now, to get into this "metaphysical" thing, Christianity is truly one that encompasses all things. Metaphysical science is only a part of something and are correctly a subset of Christianity. The only difference is that Metaphysics science (popular) does not have it's foundation with God the Creator.

What is it about Christianity that isn't mystical or metaphysical? Angels take you to distant spiritual realms to train you in spiritual warfare, yes, swords, guns and all that. Jesus Christ has amazing technology, you will be shocked to see how cool He is. Jesus Christ takes you for a walk into the Cosmos and does an AMA with you. God guides you in various meditations and one doesn't have to get stuck, and He opens your third eye. Whatever you ask In His name, He will give it to you.

Maybe the nature kingdom, plant, mineral and the wife variety of nature spirits, God will take you there and teach you of nature and the spirits behind it, and how He taught and instructed Adam on dealing and ruling them. You will then speak to the nature spirits not as a traveller, but as the emissary of the Creator and you will be given authority to "edit" nature as you will (free will holds sway).

I am speaking from the point of view of a Christian who was once a Kriya yogi & ceremonial magician. I did do the stuff there with great effort, even to the point of having a handful of people coming over to me to perfect they're practice. I accessed various realms, spirits, power points/sources, but it was totally different when I became a Christian. I had more access than before, the story goes on and on.

Christianity has never been separate from anything metaphysical. Any such Christianity that does not have the esoteric and exoteric teachings together is not of God and isn't the true Christianity. Actually, most of what happens in Christianity is in the inner planes. The work in the physical body is only self denial and crucifixion of the flesh. Over 70% of a true Christians life concerns working spiritually/astrally.

Peace and Grace to you.
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