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Old 07-11-2018, 12:06 AM
journey journey is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: chicago
Posts: 52
Honoring the gift of being a messenger

I wanted to share a great experience I had the past couple days, perhaps itll enlighten someone else going through something similar.

I've been too busy with Life the past 3 or so months and have pushed my spiritual self to the side, meaning I have not actively done any practice readings or even opened myself to much spiritual...anything. I still stay aware of synchronicities and if I feel or sense anything, I acknowledge and let it go. Basically, not focus on it because I have too many balls in the air to juggle and didn't feel like putting myself in a vulnerable position. SO when I finally had time to breathe, I just sat back and started to work on some personal artwork with the tv on in the background. At the time, I was thinking of possibly doing a practice reading in the next few days but wasn't sure if I could put myself back into an open state, given that it had been awhile and I was sort of hit or miss before that because of all the distractions.

So as I'm sitting there thinking about this, I hear a phrase from something that just made me stop. I wrote it down because something told me I needed to listen. It said "I want you to lose control. Unclench." I just sat and thought about that, about how simple an idea but how powerful a thought. Lose control, stop trying to control and let go. Let go of ego.

So the next day I did just that. I sat down with no distractions and began to meditate for the first time in months. I took a deep breath and just let go. I know alot of people can do this easily but I find it a challenge Most of the time. It was bliss. I felt myself getting emotional and nearly started crying out of nowhere. Shortly after that, I gave one of the best readings I've ever given, spirit came through strongly, persistently and I actually Felt different during the reading. I felt clearer and remembered that when I first experienced this in the beginning, I remember feeling the shift of energy, the buzzing and anxiety that goes along with it. I helped the sitter connect with their loved one, passed on a poignant message and have been on a high ever since.

I remember asking my guides to step closer to help assist with the connection to help my energy blend and feeling like 3 people just stepped beside me and covered my ears. It completely blocked the sound of the leaves blowing around us.

I only hope that this continues and I feel like stepping back helped to strengthen my connection and clear some of the chaos of life out of my head. I want to continue to practice and honor the gift of being a messenger. If this resonates with anyone else, please feel free to share your story.

How far can inspiration take us? Can that one thing that inspired you, trigger something in yourself to create, and be an inspiration to someone else? I think so, I think its just a matter of passing along that feeling, even if its unintended.
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