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Old 21-03-2017, 06:37 PM
Armadodecadron Armadodecadron is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 107
Have you considered practicing on less broad information retrieval tasks, first? Just shuffle a deck of cards thoroughly, pick one at random (be certain you can't see it), place it face down on top of a cupboard. Then OBE your way over there. If you're having arbitrary perceptual hangups about perceiving through whatever your cupboard is made of (or down through the card), face-up is fine too as long as there's absolutely no way for you to see the card accidentally.

Hell, if you can do that, you can claim ol' Randi's $1,000,000 prize, so whatever you lost, I expect you'll probably have the means to replace, if you fail to divine its location.
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