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Old 04-07-2015, 12:22 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,413
from my POV, schizophrenia is a lot of dealing with deep meaning that is expressed in ways that other people don't find acceptable. For example I expect to be ridiculed whenever I talk about something as simple as creaking wood means something... and that is the tip of the tip of the iceburg. (I was lucky enough to get a form of schizophrenia where everything that happens is 'overlayed' on top of a sane reality instead of the more classic seeing incongruent visions or hearing awful voices in my head. But those are 'real' too in my mind the people who have to deal with them are just seeing a part of reality others aren't privy to).

A lot of things mean something 'special' to me and all of it is covered under schizophrenia. (To be fair I think other people respond to such things as well the difference with me is I can 'see' it happening whereas mostly there is denial and sticking the head in the sand).

The paranoid form of schizophrenia in my mind reminds of all the times in other lives that when I got this kind of meaning, very bad things came next. So I just naturally assume when it happens again the bad things are coming too. Perplexingly, somehow the bad stuff isn't there but I keep expecting it any day now
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