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Old 12-06-2018, 02:53 PM
mosaicmind mosaicmind is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 27
Thanks for the replies everyone.
I agree, Tobi, that a hypnopompic hallucination is the likely explanation. It was just such an odd image...I guess I wondered if there might be some spiritual significance. Which there may yet be; I feel that just because a phenomena has a rational explanation doesn't necessarily render it meaningless.

Thanks also for the kind words and thoughts. I'm sorry about your cat as well, Lynn. One reason the vets said my cat's condition is rare is that the tumor is not actually affecting his thyroid levels, even though it's a thyroid carcinoma, which is probably why he's hung in there so long.

I did perform a simple blessing and energy cleansing of my cat, and regardeless of efficacy or reality, the symbolism of the act helped ease my anxiety (which was likely at the root of the whole incident). Writing out the experience and sharing it also helped, so thank you again for the replies.
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