Thread: Where was I
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Old 09-01-2016, 06:40 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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My grandmother died 11 years ago from diabetes/poor health. The night before she died I was chaperoning her in her hospital room and every time she would talk, she would say she "see's the light". I remember asking the doctor about it and he said it is a very common statement patients make who are about to pass. That late night, there were times she would mention how bright the sun was, or how bright the white light is. Also, she kept telling me she see's a monkey. She saw a few of them, I thought that was interesting ( it made me smile and lightened the mood).She passed later in the morning after I went home to sleep. I wasn't there but I did hear someone struggling to breath in lucid dream state.I called and yep, she had passed..

Olivia@ Sweet story about the red head
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