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Old 22-04-2017, 12:18 PM
susovan susovan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 122
Why is no energy healing ever solving my practical problems? Will The Reconection do?

I know I might sound impatient, but after spending more than 2000€ in different kind of healings from 2014, all from certified, recommended healers with good reviews (including 3-4 Reiki, 6-7 Kam Yuen method, 2-3 holistic, 4 reconnective and some others and also taking Reiki I), hearing the same words time and again ("healing will work where it needs to work") and spending 1000€ on mediumships, I'm tired and my skepticism hasn't gone away, to be honest. And I find spending money just to get chills all over body or feeling warmth is utterly pointless, unless you're super rich. I've specific problems that're making me unhappy, and I'd only expect healings to help me with that, which they clearly aren't.

My two main life issues that bothers me every day are finding a stable, possibly permanent position, and finding a stable, loving relationship. I've been trying the first since 2014, and the second for many years now. I'm smart enough (I've a PhD and postdoctoral training), I put enough effort for job search, I prepare myself emotionally and physically for meeting and keeping women (and I'm nice, kind and unselfish, no bragging here, but I know and have been told so). But all my efforts are getting dead under the water. Here's where I thought the healings could help. But despite many healings (even some specifically designed to solve the above problems), I don't see an iota of improvement. Now, if someone says it could take years, I'd not call it wise at all: practically speaking, what if it takes 5 more years to get a permanent job as a result of the healing, and 5 more years to find a woman who loves me back the same way I do?

You can ask me to accept everything, but imagine yourself in the situation before that, and tell me if you can accept it yourself. Would you accept it if someone punches you in the face? Would you do nothing about it? Just a metaphor.

You can say they're all my life lessons. Yes, indeed I had several bad experiences before which turned out to be eventually better for me. I know what you mean. But no, these continuing unhappiness and resultless healings are no life lessons, unless the Universe is telling me 'No more healings'. Is it?

You can say stop looking for love, and it'll come to you. I object. Will the love of my life knock on my door when I'm watching a movie? I don't think so!

I'm going to have The Reconnection in couple of days, spending another 333€. Obviously I'd want it to solve the problems for me. I've no idea what they really mean by acceleration of life path, but as long as healings or it doesn't solve the problems that're making me unhappy, they're completely waste of my hard-earned money.

Why is no healing ever solving my very practical problems that drives me crazy, lie in bed and cry?

I request your input, possibly describing your own experience with healing solving your practical, objective problems. Yes, I mean money, love, job, friends. They matter to me, a lot! And please write in layman's terms, not in a philosophical manner , which I don't understand at all. Also, I don't want to hear things like 'I feel oneness with my pet dog', or that 'I see feathers in my garden implying the presence of angels'. They won't mean anything to me unless and until my practical problems are gone. Sorry, but I can't meditate when I'm starved for 30 hours, I need the food first (again, a metaphor).
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