Thread: Infused Foods
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Old 14-02-2019, 11:21 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
No, I haven't heard of this, but it doesn't surprise me. Being out in Colorado for years...I have seen Cannabis in cookies, brown it's, candy, lotion, ECT. I'm a firm believer in the medical side of marijuana...with or without a medical card. I have smoked and eaten Cannabis in foods...and unless, I was in a state of ongoing depression or anxiety, I didn't find it addicting. I'm also the kind of person that believes depression and anxiety is a state of mind, that can be altered through focus, lifestyle changes, understanding of self and others, and being grounded. I don't think we need to be dependent so much on medication, unless we have a serious illness that causes pain that cannot be helped through diet and lifestyle changes.

With that being said, Cannabis should be used responsibly, as anything else should. I think Cannabis has alot of healing properties, that are a better option than pharmaceuticals and alcohol...and there are many parts of the country that are not educated, and believe it is a drug in the same class as meth, heroin , ECT..

When infact, pharmaceuticals are...but they are controlled, and acceptable, thanks to ignorance, media, and doctors.

Unfortunately, there are alot of codendent abusers who will abuse the plant, and make it harder for the rest to have access to it, along with staunchy undereducated politicians.

But, I would try it.

I just don't have any reason to at the moment...I'm fairly balanced and content with things, and no pain as of yet.

But personally, I would rather an abuser be high on marijuana, and dependent on THC, anyway...than alcohol, or man made drugs. One can use it responsibly, or as with anything else...use it to get better, or as a gateway drug.
.it's a personal choice.
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