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Old 02-01-2014, 10:34 AM
Clarityofawareness Clarityofawareness is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 67
The death of my death future ability

As a child I began to experience near future deaths of others until a few years ago I decided to severely reduce that ability to where I am very limited on knowing when certain people will soon pass on. Imagine knowing when your son or daughter or life time friend or wife or co-worker or stranger will die? Well that use to be my ability at full blown strength.

So many things would happen to me after I've seen them die before they "died" and these things happened so that I could never warn anyone of their near future passing. It took many predictive deaths for me to realize that this death ability doesn't exist for me to warn anyone of anything and I can't find any words to explain and one reason is because our and most other written/spoken languages is/are far to limiting.

I know death in so many perspectives and it doesn't make me better than anyone else in any way. Why should it? So I do not offer this part of my life to anyone in order to claim anything because that is only for you to decide.

I didn't see any where else on the forum where I could post this, like an "abilities section", so if this post is removed to another forum area or completely removed from the forum I do understand.
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