Thread: Some words..
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Old 11-09-2018, 10:36 PM
SimpleMan SimpleMan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 466
Some words..

What is the meaning of life? Life has no meaning other than the one you create.

What is the purpose of life? There's no destiny, it's up to you to decide.

Why am I here? It's up to you to decide, there's no universal answer.

When you look in the mirror you don't see the real you but an image created by your mind about who you think you are.

A wise man knows that the mind holds not the truth.

There's no life without death and no death without life, they are one and the same.

When you are born, you die, when you die, you are born again.

Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? You are it and in it.

The thoughts come into your mind to be forgiven of their meaning.

True freedom comes when you stop listening your mind.

When I was a child I thought that having a computer means happiness.When I had my computer, I thought that having a better computer means happiness.When I finally had a better computer I had no happiness.If you seek happiness in things, you will never be satisfied.

Depression is like a blade with two sides, on one side, you suffer more than words can tell, and on the other, you understand that the mind creates the illusion.

There are two forces in this universe, fear and love, and in Truth there is just one thing, love.

Hope is how God is telling you that you are never alone and that you are always loved.

Have you ever seen a cat running after its tail? That's what you do when you search for God.

Hell is when you believe that you are alone and not loved.

Two people give their opinions about a painting."It's beautiful!", the first said, "It's ugly!", the other said.The painting was just a white sheet of paper.What is the lesson here? There is no painting! Who has ears to hear, let him hear!
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