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Old 20-04-2019, 01:00 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
@Clover - we're all good, no biggie! :) I'm appreciative of your reading.

Feedback for PM
Ah feck, very grateful to hear things will end ok but obviously nervous about savings being depleted - that literally could see me packing up and returning to family interstate!

So we go tarot101 next - if there's a particular goal in mind, ask how to achieve it and take an active approach to divination

Reading for Pisces
Are there being change-ups scheduled for you next week? Wheel of Fortune suggests that it may be planned OR unplanned - but change is a'comin'. I feel like you're not going to be emotionally thrilled by the news or events at all (5 of Cups + 5 of Pentacles - two cards that hate change!) but are being encouraged by the cards not to hang on (Page of Pentacles reversed). Easier said than done to go with the flow rather than hang on.

There's also an extremely strong feeling here that you need to know that everything's going to be okay - 4 of Pentacles is saying something like "you'll be able to take everything you want with you" or "all the things will be able to be kept with you" or "the really important things will stay with you" (not entirely sure which of the three it is, so listing them all!).

Hang in there! The ride will seem scary but once you commence the process, it shouldn't be as bad.

Next reading for Tealily
How can I regain my financial stability before the end of the calendar year - in a way that doesn't involve depleting my savings?
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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