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Old 21-05-2017, 10:09 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by organic born
I completely understand what you're saying. :)

And this is what I like about the "natural" language of organic interaction. As I work with the soil and encourage an environment that is helpful to the plants that I'm growing I'm adapting to the language of nature. Such things are not open to interpretation in a semantic sense. Nature responds to a dance that's been in play for billions of years, with a syntax that's well understood by the players. While we humans float about with "ideas about things" and give our "imaginings" precedence over the long-enduring natural rhythms. As a result we are not "grounded". Which leaves us attempting to construct our experience around ideas without viable roots.

We've become disembodied merchants of dream-thought, where our ideas seem more important that the reality that confronts us. Is it any wonder that we're so generally confused?!

Funny thing though is we think we are anything BUT confused. We think we have a handle on everything! Because we would rather think 'positive', happy thoughts about what we can get through our efforts than thoughts that are more in line with what we DO get when we rest and aren't messing with things. And positive thoughts wouldn't allow us to perform a proper self-assessment because they always want to paint pictures in the best light.... vanity.... but noone can see that because they want to paint a good picture of that too! Painting ourselves as vain is not considered a positive thing to do so we won't even explore whether or not it might be true!
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