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Old 12-09-2018, 10:03 AM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 765
Hello winter light.

It is good to read of your thoughts.

The "meek" to which I refer are simply those-whoever-with no inclination to self aggrandisement which--Imo--makes those whoever more fit for purpose as custodians of the earth because they have space available in their mind not preoccupied with thoughts or intentions of acquiring status/significance.

Inheritance in this context understood simply as the transfer of custodianship, not of a possession passed on to a/some mythical previously "chosen", but to whoever may best suited to perform that role and chosen for that purpose.(ideally that would be "all", and perhaps may one day be so).

Such choice possibly never considered, never considered necessary--until proven to be necessary. At which point/time such choice needs to be considered carefully and objectively, including looking at the possibility that the mind set which plays a part in causing the necessity is a mind set which cannot be relied upon to remove that necessity? Again, ideally, such consideration leading to a common shift in mind set, so all involved.

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