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Old 25-06-2016, 06:40 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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Question #2 to the first channeling posted
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Question #2: How to be completely free of anger and attraction to opposite gender

I am pausing to get the vibrational frequency of what the question is intending to ask. I think, for her, she has stepped out of the way completely, but the answer she is translating through her filters and I’m not giving it in English, there’s no language, its all vibration, its all thought energy and so the vibration of the energy is what she is translating. So give me a moment to download this you might say, so that she may speak the words clearly for you.

Sometimes in life you come to a crossroad and there’s a fork in the road, to use an English expression, a chance to turn left instead of turning right. Humans have what are called habit patterns. They pick these up throughout their lives, um, their parents give them to them, their religions give them to them, schools, the environment, being on earth, you pick up these patterns of habit and thought as well. Thought patterns are extremely important to how you create your own life.

When you come to a certain age, you realize that these thought patterns and patterns of habit that you’ve picked up over the years maybe are not serving you in particular. Maybe they served the person that was in front of you, your parents, or maybe they served the people around you. But maybe they no longer serve you as a person, as an entity, as a being in yourself. You are a whole being and when you come to the realization that you no longer have to believe in something that someone else taught you to believe in because maybe it doesn’t suit you, then that is the beginning of dumping overboard these thought habits and patterns of behavior that are standing in the way of what you want.

So if society tells you that you must do a certain thing, or love a certain person, and it is impossible for you to do another thing or love another person, this is just the earth that you live ins’ thought patterns that have gone before you, the creations that other people have created that fit their lives. This has nothing to do with you.

So when you decide that that belief no longer serves you, question where you got the belief. Who gave this belief to me? Why do I believe this? Why is it not something that I want to believe in anymore? Is it true? A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking and truth is only what you believe that it is. Emotions are truths, for awhile, until you get to the bottom of the emotion and realize that they’re just emotions, there not truths. So it’s all kind of tied together into a bundle.

It’s up to you to realize that your life is yours to create and when you start allowing yourself not to care what others think about you, that is really a good first step to getting rid of all the chatter in the world that’s in your head that the world has given you and to be quiet in your mind and realize you get to create whatever it is that you want. Every person on this earth gets that choice - to create what they want, and first you have to dump overboard all those thought patterns and patterns of habit that you have been gifted with throughout your lives.

So this becomes easier, but it is a process. You have to start with: I don’t care what other people think, it only matters what I think and that’s a big concept. It takes a long time to really get the ramifications of your thought patterns using that filter.

So in specific answer to your question, you are able to create whatever you want. If you do not wish to have an attraction to a certain gender anymore, that is your wish and the Universe says, “your wish is my command”. So the Universe will allow you help, they will help you if that is your wish, to think in a different way about whatever it is that you’re trying to change.

Change is constant. Change is evolving. Change is necessary. Everything changes. Nothing stands still. If you allow your feelings to be your guide, as they should be, your feelings are telling you what it is that you want to change. If you don’t feel good about a certain subject, chances are you need to rethink that subject and to get to a better feeling place about it.

There’s a lot of different ways to go about that. One simple one is to sit with the feeling for awhile and see if you can trace it back to the beginning of when you began to feel like that. What happened, what occurred, who said what, what - is it something stupid you saw on TV, what occurred that made you believe whatever that was was true, and then your response to that belief.

If you can pinpoint and go backwards in time and find where that happened, it may be that a lightbulb will turn on in your head and you will realize that that is somebody else’s thought, that’s somebody else’s belief and you don’t have to believe it anymore, or maybe that believe helped you in your life in someway that you needed at the time but you no longer need it. Sometimes we pick up these beliefs because the ego mind, the job of the ego mind, is to keep you safe and it can also be a hard taskmaster because it doesn’t like change, so it’s up to you to kind of go around the ego mind and tell it - be kind to it and tell it we really don’t’ need to believe this anymore because I want to believe something different.

But certainly you get to create your own life, you get to decide what it is that you prefer.

This world is full of everything you could ever want, so what do you prefer? What would you like to see in your life?

It doesn’t matter, from my perspective or anyone else’s for that matter, what your preferences are - if they’re good or bad or ugly - that is not something you should put in your path. It never matters what anyone else thinks, it only matters what you think. You’re creating your life. You get to create it however you want.

So pick something small, if you want to test this out, some small belief that you no longer want anymore, that just doesn’t fit you - don’t pick a really big, nasty subject that is going to take some time, pick something small. Allow that you can change that belief. Sit with the belief, realize who gave it to you. You will find the end of the thread if you sit with it. Ask the sky for help, ask us for help, we’ll
help you find the end of the thread.

Once you realize that you can change one belief, then your world opens up and you can change anything that you want to believe. You can make your beliefs work for you.
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