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Old 17-10-2010, 09:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Everyone.
I am a newby, also from the land downunder. (Hard to get rid of us isnt it? We pop up everywhere!).

I humbly admit that I seem to have become extremely good at manifesting things and opportunities into my life, and that of others. To be perfectly honest, I dont really know why. A lot of the posts before have highlighted some really good points that are part of my integral mindset: have no attachment to the outcome; do no harm to others; if it is in divine order, and for my highest good, for this to be manifested for me; and perhaps more importantly, for me, the thought of this (requested) really animates my soul (not my ego!). But, for me, the most important ingredient is gratitude. That is living in gratitude for everything in your life..... no matter whether it appears "good" or "bad". AND listen to your intuition.... which I fondly call "the dreaded voice" in my head. When it says jump in the river, I ask which bank? (metaphorically speaking of course)

After 20 years of struggling with my shadows, I think I have managed to tip the balance from "if onlys" and "why me's" into gratitude for all aspects of my life, and have learnt to trust "the dreaded voice" and follow its directions no matter how ridiculous the directions seem. Thank the heavens.

The other point I have realised is that it is not advisable to prescribe how it is going to manifest, ie, use terms like "come to me with grace" rather than "find", "be given", "find the money for", etc; "get" rather than "buy". Dont define HOW it will be manifested.... the words you use are often important, in my opinon, anyway.

Some bigger examples of the last 12 months perhaps.
  • I was sort of homeless, and living with my son. I put my name down for govt housing (4 year waiting list), and thought "thats ok, I will do this and that (mainly camping/travel plans) in the meantime, and settle down later". 4 months later I was offered a perfect little unit backing onto the river flats. It was really too soon in my plan of things, but I took it of course, with lots of gratitude!
  • I then decided I would like to revisit my friends in Indonesia, but had no money.... but the urge persisted - one month later friends changed their travel plans and just gave me their 2 airline tickets free. Many other events and interesting experiences have come out of me returning to Indonesia
  • I was driving a very unreliable car, and my friend asked me what it would take for me to get a reliable car - my answer was simple: "I need to decide what I really want". Now that might not sound very astounding, but it pulled me up! I wasnt going to get a reliable car until I decided what I wanted, and what I was going to do with it. So, since 'going bush' camping is something I really enjoy, I decided on a 4wd Toyota diesel... (just like my brothers).... low kms, reliable, oh yeah.... and under $10,000 all up. I even signed the transfer papers and deposited the allocated money in my daughters account while I went to Indonesia, feeling sure someone would come across one. Well, I was surprised that nothing happened! One week upon my return, the exact same coloured vehicle as my brothers (one year older) was parked on the verge 20 doors up on my street, with a private sale sign. They were asking $6000 - bargain.
  • My friend just split up with partner, and needed a cheap washing machine, and fridge. Asked me to help look around. Within 2 weeks we had both free. Two friends had rung me to ask if I knew anyone who needed a fridge and then, a washer.
  • On a more light-hearted note, I was doing the dishes not long ago, thinking "I will get some fruit today". No more than 5 minutes later the front bell rang. A neighbour who I have hardly talked to, was holding a bunch of bananas, saying she thought I might like these.
It can get a little scarey sometimes. I know that sounds silly, but sometimes I think of something, and then stop dead and think "no, cancel that thought..... I dont know if I really want that!!!!"". Your thoughts are powerful.

Thank you for allowing me to share .
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