Thread: Highest Birth?
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Old 09-07-2019, 08:15 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Originally Posted by ceidauilyc
All births or forms of life experience are equal.
I feel we haven't unlocked the consciousness of other beings, therefore it exists. They do sentient things. They are conscious, so how are we superior. We are just a chance of nature just as the others are.

As Altair mentions, it comes down to the potential for human development, although I don't think this is anything to do with being lucky. Some animal species may be highly developed, but their potential for further development is restricted by the limitations of the forms they work through. We humans have barely scratched the surface of what it means to have a human body.

And all this is restricted to life within the Earth scheme. Beyond this particular scheme I suspect there are other lives who would consider human consciousness as being relatively low.

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