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Old 11-11-2017, 09:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by unicorn68
sorry.didnt even read it.irrelevent.oops sorry ive been trying to resist the urge to reply.sorry if it caused offense.but agreed usual.far too serious for the likes of me....dammit there i went offending someone yet again.sorry the immortal words of rake(aussie tv drama) 'sorry but im knee deep in penises again'

Eh? Who have you offended?
(No use looking at me. I'm the most unoffendable person in the world (at least, down on this zero-D world.) I'm of this belief that short of a physical violation people should be allowed their individuality; to express themselves freely, while I still have to act the diplomat, knowing that this freedom isn't everyone's.)

Not sure about your "resist the urge to reply", that is your prerogative... (just checking I spelled that right - didn't want to say "purgative" which need is a bit on my mind after last evening! Hangover's aren't nice, especially hanging over your 5D parapet!)

Still, I'm going a bit off topic here... There's an iguana knocking at the door. Could be the postman.

Edit: As an article it doesn't apply to makes one big assumption - that I have a brain....
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