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Old 12-05-2019, 08:15 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by edithaint
Ah, no. Far more than JUST a spirit in a physical body. We are spirit AS a physical body. There are truly no linear divisions between body, mind and soul. No behind, before, above, or below. We are a ripple in spacetime, energy and information of a nature we do not understand, through which the universe experiences itself. The entire human body-mind complex is important because without it, what exactly is the point of being human?

Of course, we all perceive ourselves and our surroundings differently. Some see the world as only physical, others see physical, mental, spiritual, and others see the world as only spiritual. Yet our animal brains will never fully comprehend the true whole. While we humans may perceive ourselves and other animals in a certain way, those other animals have equally valid experiences as spirit embodied in spacetime. They are no less conscious than we are.

You are welcome to consider yourself as having the same level of consciousness as a worm.

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