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Old 12-05-2019, 01:18 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by edithaint
Not JUST, but our bodies are a major piece who we are. Because our physical bodies are what make us human. Without form, we are "only" spirit, same as all other life. Why NOT consider humans in terms of the physical body, when that is the primary difference between us and worms? We were created human to experience life as humans, with the strengths and weaknesses unique to our species, otherwise we simply wouldn't be here to have this discussion. Worms were created to experience life as worms, with the strengths and weaknesses unique to their kind.

Strange. Yes, the physical body allows us to experience life on the physical plane for a short period of time, but I would consider the physical body as the least important aspect of a human being.

But then you seem to think of a human being as spirit inhabiting a physical body. Some of us accept that humans also have emotional and mental bodies which are also forms (of more subtle substance). And behind it all there is self-aware consciousness. These are primarily what make us human, and also differentiate us from the worms.

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