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Old 05-08-2015, 10:56 PM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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From what I have learned, I have noticed that we do very much stay the same in some ways but slowly DO change. Some aspects of us seem to be released, so we might find we have greater strength in ways that we always had some strength in -albeit maybe not so strong here. (For instance if we feel love for others or even one or two, that becomes even stronger. I don't like to make sweeping statements about something I only know a little about, but gather that distillation could possibly include any essential tendencies we have. By 'essential' I mean those strong things, deep down.)
It seems some 'distillation process' happens.
So yes I conclude that we stay the same in some respects... and yet we do change.

Communication is done by direct thought-transfer and can occur between species, races, those from Earth and those who aren't -with no language-barrier. So we will probably hear the thought-transfer in the language we are comfortable with.

As for same thought-processes....we are very likely, at first at least, to be in the company of those we are more comfortable with. Beyond that I am unsure. But have a strong feeling we will meet with all kinds of Beings there usually of a similar 'vibration' to our own essence.
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