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Old 05-01-2013, 12:48 AM
Posts: n/a
The odd thing is .
many many souls "in" the afterlife still don't know/acknowledge they're "dead"
from some accounts....those who've visited there..... so this business is far from simple.
Of course it's not necessary one know-remember-acknowledge they're no longer on earth, just as most of us no longer remember past incarnations.....just cause one "dies" doesn't make them more aware..smarter..

The life review evidently always happens with NDE individuals, yet I'm not convinced all souls in the afterlife have been through this. Or it may occure at different "times" depending what suits one.
I have no information at this point about this but am curious..... Ramond Moody reported occasionally a family member had "traveled" along with the departing soul,,, and have experienced the tunnel but couldn't go further while the departing soul continued.

By lost I refer to those believed to be stuck between earth and the astral dimension they're headed to. Usually fearful, confused souls as a result of a traumatic-accidental-sudden death, like in a war, group tragedy like terrorist bombing, or plane crash.

This could be far more complicated than we can understand from our temporal-spatial earth perspective.

It could be that their astral body is in the astral , but their understanding-perception-conception hasn't made the transition yet. dunno.
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