Thread: Suicide
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Old 19-07-2019, 01:22 PM
Mr_Determined Mr_Determined is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 110
I'd been down that road in my younger years with overwhelming emotions of great despair and hopelessness, with not a care in this world for whose lives closest to me that it would have affected.

I wish not to reopen old wounds and share the specific details. It's too disheartening!

We are all different when it comes to dealing with issues that simply weigh us down, stress us out to such a degree to consider whether or not you would make it through such heavy days!

For me personally; there was no help-line to call, no friend or family to discuss how traumatic the experience was or how long it lasted, or even if anyone could relate.

Years went by and slowly but surely, it was a very gradual step by step procedure to overcome the burdens of ever growing fear, with enough courage we too can become our own advisors for how we can shape for ourselves a better tomorrow.

I eventually came to the point of finding hope again (with tears), something that I could be appreciative and grateful for, no matter how big or small that one thing is, it was just a matter of holding it as preciously close to your heart center and embracing it.

Remember; you are special and unique in your own way, never desire to become someone your not or try to appease someone that expects you to be far more than your worth. If they cannot appreciate you for being yourself and your worth, well friend; that is their problem.

Many of you probably do know about "The Bridge" documentary on youtube, well for those who don't, it might also be an encouragement to watch.

Stay happy & stay healthy!
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