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Old 04-09-2017, 07:47 AM
Posts: n/a
I replied somewhere. will have a look for it and repeat it here assuming it wasn't deleted.
OK, here's what I said:

Guided meditations are always a problem. There you are trying to meditate and someone is telling you what to see, feel and so on. If you know what colours you're supposed to see according to the guided instrcutions can you see them away from the guided stuff?

Take just one colour and try it while sitting in semi-darkness. See it as a glowing sphere.

You aren't the first I've heard with this trouble.

One workaround is to get a large sheet of black paper from your art store (like, A1 or A2, maybe A3 would work but that's a bit small), and some smaller sheets of white paper which you paint evenly with the colour you want to visualise. If you can get paper of that colour already you save some work. Cut the coloured paper(s) into a circle (about 30cms diameter) and stick it centrally on the black sheet.

Then set it up somewhere and stare at it for maybe a minute.

Don't be tempted to close your eyes straight away hoping to see it with your inner vision - what you'd see is the complementary colour because of the way our eyes work. (You can always test this if you want as a separate exercise). So after a bit of staring, take a rest for at least 5 minutes then sit quietly with your eyes closed and try to visualise the colour as a circle or sphere.

It may take some practice over a few days. Another idea is to set the symbol up but don't look at it immediately except to check you're sitting in front of it. Then sit there with your eyes closed and try visualising the colour. If it's difficult, give the symbol the briefest glimpse and try again.

If it doesn't start to work we'll have to think of something else!

Otherwise, good luck!

PS I've never associated archangels with chakras and don't know why one might, so I can't comment there. The system I've used has 16 chakras.

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