Thread: weight loss
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Old 10-03-2013, 07:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by divinejoy916
Thank you so much for replying KattyKamille, it is very helpful! And I need to lose about 50lbs, so thats amazing he lost that much. I think I need to try it because.... I've been trying to lose weight for years, and still at the same weight (I also have PCOS), and I've realized I have a deep belief that it is impossible for me to lose weight, so I was wondering if hypnosis would help to change that belief, or at least be the cataylst I need to start a new one. Thanks!

No problem at all! I truly believe you can lose the weight :) you just need to find the right balance of things. What you eat is 70% of how to lose weight, and fitness is the other 30%. So if you're too busy or can't find time to go to the gym on a regular basis.. no worries. Start with step one. :) Try the hypnosis/meditation techniques.. to build that inner motivation and you truly need to tell yourself that you WILL lose the weight. It WILL happen.... because it will!

When you find that you are in the right place in your mind :) try to illuminate any unnecessary things that contain high amounts of salt, sugar or fat. Replace them with, fruit snacks or... raw meals with perhaps some clean meat on the side if you eat meat....

This is extreme... but it helped me lose 14 pounds in 3 weeks.
It might be difficult if you're not used to vegetables. But I can swear on it that... after the 3 weeks you feel absolutely amazing!! :) The first 3 days are hard... you crave and you might feel tired. But once you break the barrier... you are super woman! Our programming minds might not enjoy it... but believe me your body couldn't ask for a better present.

I thought I had no way out... till I tried this. All it is.. is eating 100% vegetables and fruits for 3 weeks. Afterward you can reintroduce your meats... and some other things you like :) but im sure you'll want to continue with keeping at least 60% of the things you eat raw. Your body LOVES it!

[edited by sf staff]
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