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Old 02-11-2012, 02:33 AM
Posts: n/a
I see 57. Some days I see it a lot..sometimes I go long periods when I don't see it. I quit my job today and I saw it a few times. I take it as, "Your choice of action is blessed" "You're okay" That type of thing.

Also I have been seeing the number 3 a lot ever since my throat chakra problem began..not sure if you know what chakras are but just to fill you in case they are they energy vortexes of your body.
So anyways I was having trouble knowing what to say and what to keep to myself. I was really worried what people thought of me yada yada.. I had no filter and that was getting me into trouble. Then became very anti-social and lonely and depressed...Meanwhile 3 is making large appearances in my life. 3 is a very social number. Those who are 3's in numerology are often witty and have a wide variety of friends and people holding their attention. They express their visions, ideas, thoughts and feelings easily.
I can see clearly that I am being advised to try to utalize the the charactaristics of the 3 to help with my blocked chakra.

I hope this could help you see from some other kind of light. I would, if not already, really pay attention to which areas of your life are the main focus. Look up the meaning of the different numbers and see if they pertain to you at all.

11:11 is a difficult thing for me to even try to wrap my mind around. I feel as if it is interesting only because its the only time on a digital clock when all the numbers are the same.
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