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Old 13-06-2016, 04:54 AM
keokutah keokutah is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 562
When I was younger I befriended a poltergeist and let it move into my room with me and when I forgot it was there and when I had my music turned up, it would often yell through the speakers to get my attention. This was an actual poltergeist, like it would knock over things in my room, pound on the walls and throw things when it decided to have a temper tantrum.

But the weirdest times was when it would mimic my parent's voices to get my attention.
Usually it would just open the door by itself to get my attention, but sometimes it would call my name adopting my mom or dad's voice, and I would literally think it was them. Then it would open the door, and I would turn around and no one would be there, then I would storm upstairs and ask them what they wanted and each time they were always mad at me for
claiming that they were in my room, they never were, and it's not like my parents were ever the kind of people who would pull pranks on me, and quite frankly back then, they thought I was insane and didn't like encouraging my talk about the ghost in my room.
But my sister who slept in the room next to me, also witnessed it when it would bang on her walls and knock her picture frames down - when I was in her room with her and there was nobody or nothing in my room. It freaked her out really badly because for the longest time she also thought I was just making it up.
But anyway, I just accepted long ago that for some reason they adopt the sound of voices of people you know, and I just thought at the time it was a trick, like it would mimic their voice just to play games with me.
When I befriended it, it was a nice ghost, but over time it just started having more and more temper tantrums so I kicked it out of my room and told it to stay in the library which was connected to my room (you had to walk through the library to get to my room) and it actually listened to me and stayed in the library but it would often get angry and knock on my door, open the door or call me out. And that's why i think it started using my parent's voices, because it tricked me into coming out of my room so that it could see me. And of course when I found out it was it that had called me I would always get mad and go into the library and give it the attention it wanted.
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