Thread: The Two Truths
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Old 23-04-2017, 09:11 PM
Bohdiyana Bohdiyana is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 406
I wonder sometimes if most people really understand the end game of enlightenment. I don't think the average person can imagine or comprehend what total liberation means. Total freedom from one's conditioning. Yes the "stuff" we have learned or believe, our conditioning, is still with us in a sense, it exists in the brains physical memory, however, ones attention is never on it anymore so it will never rise to be a part of one's experience. It never becomes phenomenal anymore meaning if has no effect. It has no more recognition as "something." It is no longer important and no longer produces an effect.

All these discussions about belief and how important it is, that question itself is gone. Things like beliefs no longer have any experiential or phenomenal reality. They no longer are a part of one's attention or experience or awareness, unless they arise and one's attention briefly notices them there and they are then gone as the attention puts no importance on them. So, they are never fed by one's energy so they don't ever become "something" one may experience. They never produce an effect.

Imagine dropping every idea you have, every belief, every opinion. One way to imagine what liberation is like is to imagine you are somebody else. Imagine you somehow are no longer you and are some person who lived 10,000 years ago and as this person you never learned a single thing, never opened a book, never read one thing, never even learned a language. Now walk around and see what experience would be like for you as this person. Look at the sky, at buildings, at nature, at other people, all while maintaining the view you would have if you were not you anymore. If you were somebody else. All your beliefs and opinions and ideas and thoughts are dropped. If one can imagine in that way, you get a taste for what liberation is like.

The goal is total freedom from ones own mind. That's what liberation is. In the present moment, being free and in the wonder and expansiveness of pure being. I wonder how many people are ready for that, to let go of all the beliefs and opinions they think are important and define them. The inner voice that is like our best friend. Telling us what we are and need. Telling us what we think. How many people are willing to let that go for liberation? Really nothing is keeping us from enlightenment or liberation except ourselves. We are not ready to give up what is required.
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