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Old 18-04-2012, 04:06 AM
Posts: n/a
I think my computer just killed itself when I sent the last PM in this post....yeh it totally did. Hah.

I just realised that I've now been given my own soapbox/interview/interrogation thread about my readings or how I do my readings (and some unrelated spin offs) or something. Now that is a milestone in itself. Heh.

This post is huge, so I dont blame you for cringing at it.

Enjoy (That is if your brain hasnt exploaded up until this point and you havent died of boredom.)

Your lucky I have absolutely nothing to do today and its raining, so I have time to think on this and answer at length. I'm enjoying this.

So does this mean that people's mental/metaphysical layers are in different dimensions? i.e. physical here, mental in another, metaphysical in another? Is that what you mean?

I'll replace "layers of existence" with "dimensions"....its so much easier.

It's not all in completely different dimensions because its all blended together essentially.

Ok how do I get this into perspective. You know how I said there are layers within layers within layers? I'll try and explain that and fit it into this.

In every dimension there are primary aspects and secondary, so one could have 70% physical (so its primarily physical) and 20% mental and 5% metaphysical (I cant do litteral percentages, just an example.)

And within that dimension the beings in it can have varying "levels" or amounts of these aspects. The "ratio" of aspects can fluctuate anywhere within and outside the dimensions percentages.

So, looking at the previous percentage example, if one being has 20% metaphysical energy, then only 5% of that is going to exist in that particular dimension...and the rest is going to exist in the dimension/layer thats the "closest" or somtimes the most well suited to that neighbouring dimension (not to say that those dimensions are litterally next to eachother, dimensions aren't in any linear formation, they are all over the place and intersect in all kinds of crazy ways.)

I call that whole process the "bleed over" affect because of the way types of energies tend to "bleed over" to other layers of existence when the current one cant facilitate them.

Mind you the bleed over affect is a lot more complicated than that and has a few of my own vague "principles" attached to it involving how the metaphysical affects the physical (in primarily physical layers of existence/dimensions) but not the other way around.....but anyways getting off topic.

So, chakras, as normally taught, create what you call core and basic energies?

This is a hard one to explain because it gets into my personal understanding of where energy comes from.

Basically, the chakras both create and process energies at the same time. Most of it is simply processing an external energy (from the source of the soul) and then adding bits to it and changing it to suit that individual.

In essence, the chakras are what makes your energy YOUR own energy. So it could be said that the chakras create your core energy...from the already existing energy that your soul was born from.

Basic energy is core energy that has been mixed with a small amount of external energy to change its charicteristics...and auric energy is basic energy thats been mixed with a heap of external energy....thats why I say energy is always moving outwards from the core.

Is it sort of the sum total of the chakras working together that creates the energy of the core?

Its mostly the sum total of the larger chakras, the "primary" chakras (hence why its usually not everywhere in the body.) The smaller chakras are more to keep energy being pushed outward through the veins.

And the circulatory exists kind of around the chakras (or core energy)? Or more like they connect different chakras to each other?

The circulatory connects to the chakras, the same way veins do to a heart pretty much.

I'll also note that core energy is a duluted form of the stuff the chakras "push" into the veins, because the core energy is flowing through the chakras and directly into the basic energy rather than into the chakras.

Some peoples circulatory system is so efficient that you cant even see their core energy because everything is going straight into the veins and stays completely enclosed and separated from the rest of the body save for a few small areas that have shields to prevent any "backflow" of energy into the veins when its being "vented" into the body to create basic energy.

So some people are more physically driven or more mentally energetic?


But those who are more mentally energetic than physical or metaphysical aren't too common around here though. You'd find that those types have dreamwalking capabilities, telepathy and can probably induce hallucinations in other people at will. Not something you see every day, especially not in incarnates (maybe non-human incarnates.)

Usually the standard for mentally attuned people is telepathy and a bit of lucid dreaming, it rarely goes further than that as far as I can tell. (So they would have more physical or metaphysical than mental charicteristics)

And here the internal shields act like separators of the energy, right?

Yes, and also just to protect sensitive areas in case the person gets damaged in some way.

So shields are sort of mentally-created energy or circulatory protection mechanisms? Do you consider the need for these shields to be problems--or is it mostly just response to conditions people deal with?

There are a lot of differences between consciously and unconsciously/instinctually made shields.

Instinctually made shields are more physical and metaphysical than mental, so they can't be actively felt or controlled by the person who has them. It's a bit like a turtles shell, its natural and it has a purpose that isn't able to be consciously manipulated (the same way a turtles shell cant be removed from it because it tends to die.)

The need for shields can be a problem when they are consciously made because this is when a persons perspective comes into it.

If someone thinks they are in danger and repeatedly puts a lot of energy into their shield when they actually might not be in true danger, then they have just weakened the rest of them to create or activate a shield that doesnt even do anything.

So, natural shields are a natural response and are always good unless there is an imbalance involved in it.

An example of an imbalance to do with shielding is if the body makes a shield to ward against some kind of energy blockage or overflow or to contain some toxic energy to a small area of the body...and then if the imbalance is corrected and the shield is still there...then it could be a problem since it would be separating one area of the body and hindering the energy flow, thereby possibly causing a blockage or just slowing down the entire efficiency of the chakra system.

So, its only in special circumstances that natural shielding is an issue.

Conscious shielding can be an issue if a person doesnt understand exactly what they are doing. In fact almost any energy work can become an issue when a person isnt educated regardless, so I suppose a bit of common sense when shielding is all thats really needed.

I think a real need for shielding is fine, since then there would actually be a threat to shield against.

By "behavior of their aura"--you mean the system that has been developed to circulate the energy?

On the outer surface of the aura and inside the auric layers is like a rapidly changing area of energy that reflects different colours and patterns, thats why people say the aura changes too fast for them to read, because they are reading the layers that are affected by the mind.

Lets think of the surfaces of the aura as maybe what an oil slick would look like, when its hit by any form of light (or in this case energy/awareness) it reflects lots of colours...and when the wind or something disturbs the oil it creates an interesting pattern.

The mental layer's "coating" the energy of the aura react like that. Always changing depending on what is interacting with it.

The overall movement of the aura is more related to the flow of energy, which is to do with the chakras and all that.

Make sense?

But to you, physical is inner-most, then mental, then metaphysical? But some people have smoother transitions between them than others?

As I mentioned earlier, each person has a different "ratio" of mental, physical and metaphysical to them....and to make it more complicated different parts or energies within each person has different ratios as well.

But yeh, I work with souls often and the core energies are the closest to the that is what I hone in on first regardless of all else.

It's the transitions from mental to physical, to maybe another dimension, then back and to metaphysical...that can be very smooth.

With a lot of people there is no well defined barrier or separation between aspects because they are all "together" at once. They are all connected and all work together.

Some people however do have a big separation between some aspects. For example, lots of people have a big separation between physical and mind.

So for example, lets say theres 80% physical and 2% mind...but not even a quarter of that 2% is even active or in this dimension because its just not needed, its like a useless apendix.

Whether the gap is because they just don't use the facualties associated with the mental layers or whether they just dont need to use those mental layers is a mystery to me (doesnt much matter though since it doesnt change the situation.)

I actually have a theory that thats why lots of people have trouble remembering dreams or meditating..etc. But topic.

Can you explain "states of existence"? So each of these bodies or layers--is self-sufficient. Sorry if these are dumb questions. Like I said, I sort of skipped learning this stuff as it didn't make much sense to me in terms of what I felt.

States of existence are pretty much what you define as dimensions. They are places which have different charicteristics to this one (like some arent physical at all, or others can only be reached through dreams, and even more are only semi-physical) but can also be connected to and a part of this place, or overlap with the layers of this place to a certain degree (the bleedover affect.)

So, in your understanding, soul and spirit are the same? Soul is to metaphysical body as ?mental is to physical body? Or consciousness is to?

Spirit could be either the metaphysical form (the one you take when your out of your body) or your consciousness (your perceptions on a mental layer of existence/dimension) or it could be what I percieve to be the soul.

Terminology is difficult to get around isnt it?

Wait--so there is energy generated by soul itself. What are chakras generated by?

I think I might have touched on this waay above when I mentioned that chakras both process and create energy. I'm not sure what else to add to it since I think it answers your question.

The most basic Chakras are formed by the soul upon "creation" or whatever you want to call it...and then from that really basic thing it grows and adapts to the environment and how the soul survives over time, bit like a phoetus forming in the womb (only there is no womb)....what a weird analogy.

You can always tell which beings are new by how well formed their chakra system is. Most times its just a vague blur, just this interesting mass of different energies slowly colescing and rising or falling in vibration while the individual adjusts to existence. Its a nice thing to see, makes me smile whenever I come across it.

Where does basic energy reside? If it is chakra energy plus a dilute form of chakra energy, what holds it together? Which body or form?

Basic energy looks like it exists inside the physical body (when its really on a metaphysical layer) because the energetic "skin," (which is the shape of the physical body when your incarnate) and internal filters and the energetic veins hold it in place. It's pretty much a very diluted and altered form of chakra energy mixed with external energies.

So filters filter out kinds of incoming energy?

Yep, they can work to allow certain energies into the body, or to alter the flow and "divert" it if its not supposed to be there.

A lot of filters also alter energies as they pass through, especially filters in the aura. Lots of auras neutralise energies when they pass into it or change it to a form that can be filtered into the body (because some vibratory patterns/signatures dont mix well with others and can get "stuck" or meshed together, creating a blockage.)

And shields shut out what does get through? Or can when activated?

Shields are like a more extreeme version of a filter, they can absorb, reflect or shut out things that cannot be filtered out. Its yet another like of defence against harmfull energies.

So can the reflected "color" of aura be different than the internal color?

Yes, almost always. It's like when you see a red after image beside a blue object. Although some auras are far less reflective than others, so bits of the true energetic colour shine though.

This is getting confusing because I didn't explain it how I should have. Lets backtrack a bit.

The "reflective" layer, is different to that layer I mentioned earlier with the oil slick example (you know the one that moves in patterns and reacts to different energies and other peoples attention.) The reflective layer is energy reflecting other energies (its not reacting actively, it just reflects ****,) its how you know you have some good shields working. heh.

The form of reflection or the pattern that the mental puts on it can affect how it "comes out"? And you can separate the two effects?

Both the reflective qualities of the energy in the aura, and the mental layer or coating over and within the aura does affect how others see it.

The mental layer is just for communication really. It's to show how you are in the moment, like talking or hand gestures. It's not really showing anything "below the surface" if you get what I mean. It's constantly changing.

And yes, I can separate my perception of the mental layer and the metaphysical energetic layer, and also "switch off" my awareness of the reflective qualities of some peoples auras so I can actually see the aura itself and its energy.

I'm pretty sure lots of other people do it without noticing (subconscisouly,) like selective hearing or something.

What do you mean? Who "classed" you as blind metaphysically? There is a Board of Metaphysical Classers!

I classed myself because it became very apparent to me that I don't have the adaption of sight that a majority of incarnates and other spirits do.

There are only so many times that someone in astral can ask "ok so you seriously cant see my expression? why are you looking the opposite way to where i am? why do you keep telling me mirror images of what I'm doing...thats my right hand not my friggin left!".....until you start realising that you just dont have it. lol.

Do you mean you don't actually "see" the metaphysical layer, but you sense it through echo-location?

I sense through echo location (I naturally send out pulses of energetic vibrations and frequencies and my aura and awareness read whatever those frequencies make contact with and the way it flows through and around objects/energies,) then I usually see via clairvoyance and then I go further and verify the colours and such with the person themselves subconsciously (telepathically) and rely on my natural instincts to tell me when I don't have something correct because of my altered senses. I've gotten quite good at it over time.

Actually that makes a lot of sense in that you get the structure of a lot of things. That is what is different about your readings and others, I think.

That could well be it.

I'm glad I eventually figured out how to get around the blindness thing.

I suppose being blind is what you get for evolving in a dimension that only needs you to sense souls and energy in order to evaluate whether they are threats, friends or food. I'm quite a basic kind of being even though I seem to do things in an elaborate kind of way.

[This idea of density occurred to me in Saggi's reading when you mentioned the convex current (or convection current)--which would require energy of different densities. We usually only think about energies of different virbrational rate, but there must be a density factor too. You described her core energy as smooth like chocolate,which sounds relatively dense to me. So it would "settle out" when mixed--which is where I was thinking the convection current came in.]

I still havent looked up convection current. I still dont know what it is but I can tell that my instincts aren't going to allow me to comprehend it. My instincts are like "I cant get that because I cant think numerically. so just use the human word for what I know, and then they will get it and I can go about my existence none-the-wiser." Lol.

But yes, there are different densities involved. I tend to think its blatantly obvious because of my echo location and I keep forgetting everyone else opperates on vibrations/energy signatures and sight.

Thanks again Sangress.

No problem. I just hope Im still making sense
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