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Old 02-12-2014, 02:12 PM
Little Peanut Little Peanut is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 103
I so agree about the root chakra being very important. I took a tai chi class as my doctor recommended it for a gentle exercise for my osteoporosis. It was fantastic!

We do concentrate through out the tai-chi on the root chakra. My class was only 2x a week for 8 wks and I could see a difference after about the 3rd week where I was much more balanced and pain free as well as standing up straighter. I highly recommend meditation too, and if you can join a tai chi class-do!

Check out you tube for Dr. Paul Lam tai chi. He has quite a few clips there on various tai-chi positions. Some are as long as 16 minutes--really giving you some great exercises to do. If you find them good to do--you can then go and invest in some of his DVDs--which I also highly recommend too!

Sweetair, thank you for this post. I try to balance all my chakras often, if not daily--and always start with the root chakra. You can't have a healthy anything without a healthy foundation!
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