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Old 07-04-2020, 10:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Greenslade
Hey there Aspie

Yp, Life is only as hard as you want to make it, and there's a feedback loop with the Universe that gives you more of the same. It works the same way when you make it easier for yourself.

I am sorry for your loss, really.

It makes more sense and puts everything into perspective. Have you dealt with your emotions directly? I know you've mentioned 'purging' but unless you've tackled your emotions themselves, the cause of all of this still remains ans it's never going to go away. No matter how much you purge.

There's a psychological element to smoking as well as a neurological one, and trying to tackle smoking from a purely psychological perspective isn't the full story. The addiction is caused by the nicotine reacting with the nicotine receptors in the brain and it's similar to a drug addiction - which it is, albeit a relatively mild one. Stopping smoking causes nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Neuroplasticity takes place when you change your habits so in time, not smoking anything at all will cause the smoking action neural pathways to atrophy in time. Or you could replace them with something else. This is why smoking a herb won't do you any real benefit.

The root cause of what's going on with you I think is losing your father and the emotions that came after that - and more specifically your perceptions of what that meant to you. I think your smoking is associated with comfort and because your emotions haven't been dealt with, you still need that comfort - hence you find it difficult to quit. Perhaps you're as much addicted to the need for comfort. And the gluttony is understandable because your system will feel out-of-whack because it's become used to the booze and cigs, and you're looking for comfort in the food instead. Over-eating is also a side effect of nicotine withdrawal.

And fasting is just jumping from one extreme to the next. Try easing, one step at a time because that'll be less stress on your system as well as being more realistically achievable. By far the most major issue is your own perceptions of yourself. You might find this interesting

All is well today, the sun is shining so the garden is getting a shake-up. Tomorrow might be a camera day, we'll see ho the weather goes.

Be safe and take care

Hi Greenslade,

Yes,what you put out,in turn comes back to you.

Re:Addictions,i'm very much on top of things as far as addictions goes and not only understand them fully,but can master any addiction that tries to take hold.

I am very much the master of my own ship.

My initial addictions were heroin,methadone and benzos,for some 18yrs,until i made my mind up to jump off 40mg's of methadone on my 35th birthday.

101% resolute in mind,i suffered very little withdrawals.

Moved interstate and stayed clean for a few years,then got into a cycle of relapsing ie:heroin for a month,back onto methadone for a month or two,then jump off and stay clean for a month or two.

I did this for 7yrs and in hindsight self medicating.

Self medicating cause i can't tolerate this ego macho angst driven system.

Hence why i sold up and relocated to the country 19mnths ago all in toll.

Anyhow,all through this,i still functioned and worked and invested.

Clean 5yrs from heroin and methadone.

There after booze,just numbing myself when emotions arose.

And smoking i realised sometime ago where it originated from and why etc.

And also the flow on affect to other addictions.

I've quit smoking and drinking and this time for good.

Full circle.

Emotion wise,i've been bringing them to the surface,and processing for the last 6mnths.

Almost there,i gain more strength with each layer processed.

Re:Fasting,i've been doing this for a few years,as well as adhering to a simple keto diet,hence putting my body into ketosis.

Yeah,so all good,i know very well how much i can handle and how much i can push myself.

I love extending myself,denying myself and pushing myself through the barriers,even when one is extremely tired.

Anyhow,i hope you have managed to bring up all your emotions and pain from past trauma,processed,transmuted and transcended.

And or on the path to recovery and healing.

Take care.
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