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Old 15-06-2015, 01:20 PM
mysterynomore mysterynomore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 59
The moon has the same effect on us as it does on the oceanic tides in the world..
Our bodies water mass is about is our brain.
Our water based body is affected from the energies that are reflected between the moon and the earth..
There are other factors involved through the emotional side which is connected to our field of energy..
The aura changes color through our emotional responses....because were in a state of stress in our modern world, our mind is not in calm or peaceful the full moons energies reflects that response were in.
If your emotional state is balanced...the full moon has no effect to heighten those emotions.
But as we know....the majority of people are very emotionally unbalanced in that field so the watery inner tides shift to those energies.
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