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Old 10-02-2013, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by hannah
What if everything is an elaborate fantasy we have made for ourselves, and reality is something very different? Think of the Matrix!

Clearly "reality" is very different.... We are channeling our perceptions of what's going on around us through the narrowest of physical senses. It's been evidenced by science that were we to stretch a rope from south America (representing the most subtle of vibration) to the polar ice cap, (representing the most rarefied) as a measurement of all that they know of so far, that our perceptions, what we are able to perceive through our senses, would only encompass about an inch and a half of that rope, located somewhere around the city of Seattle on that scale. So scientifically speaking what we are currently able to perceive via "matter" is but a speck of what actually surrounds us...

That's one scale..

And then there's the reality of rules... things behave biochemically, and throughout the range of what's being called physics, in a very specific and intensely organized way. So, in a sense, while being physical, we are immersed in a strict set of rules... should the rules be slightly different then the entire structure would be different as well... so essentially what we perceive are a set of structural rules.... and those rules continue within our body when we're asleep.... our body is still there, our loved ones can still see it while we're asleep... so our "consciousness" departs but our body is still bound by those rules.

Everything we know is conditional... and yet it's "real" in the sense that our consciousness is currently bound to it... so to dismiss it would be folly, but to wed ourselves strictly to it would be folly as well... we presently live in the mist of a conundrum.... a very deep puzzle of intensely profound proportions... :^)
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