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Old 09-09-2011, 11:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Aquarian
This is my understanding.

From auras, I can detect pregnancy and various stages enroute such as:
1. Energy gathering (sperm takes a few hours to reach egg).
2. Conception which may not lead to implantation.
3. Implantation which may later be reversed by the body.
4. Soul descent after 20 weeks but sometimes not at all - which causes some cases of SIDS.

@Felynx, did you perceive any soul descent prior to 20 weeks?

@forevergirl, this is a delicate area and the statement "that my Dad was taking care of him" doesn't give me much confidence that your reader was qualified to comment.
Souls are immortal. We have had thousands of lives and thus hundreds of families.

I'm not qualified either, especially without personal contact. I only have to think of sensing chlldren's spirits and hundreds flock to me...

That can be exactly true Aquarian. :) I've heard from some "children" spirits that they didn't enter at all, some only for 3 months came into the womb and left before their birth, etc. I believe, like us, the situations are personal and individual. I KNOW when the souls entered my children, as some other posters have said, as a mother, you FEEL it. It's also termed "the quickening". Like tiny butterfly wings in your womb. I lost 3 babies, I never had the "flutter" with them. For my 2 living children, my son came in at 4.5 months along and my daughter... the late bloomer came at about 6.5 months along. Funny too she is impatient where my son is very laid back :P
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