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Old 27-08-2019, 09:54 AM
MissCreativeSpirit MissCreativeSpirit is offline
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Talking Mazariti

Originally Posted by WildHairedWoman
P.S. I read a lot of books and the description of what I did came from a very old book. It was a strange book written by a woman who believed our bodies could over come a virus in a very short time if we honored our body and stayed in bed when we felt like it. That was very helpful to me as well, as I caught every virus anyone I was near had and they lingered because I was so busy and stressed that I would not call in to work sick. My sick days were for the days my kids were sick, not me. So, after I got the new job I alluded to above I decided to try her advice about feeling ill and did stay in bed when I felt sick. After a year I rarely got sick and became an employee that or rarely used her sick days. The other thing that helped with was me realizing I was chronically exhausted and moving to a new city allowed me weekends to just stay home and rest, for about 6 weeks I spent all day Sunday in bed and that is what it took for me to get my life back. The kids were old enough to take care of themselves with the ability to come to me if they needed to.

The biggest obstruction in affirmations is that people want something magic that they did not have to put the effort into to get what they want. Usually they don't even know what they really want. For example, you want more money, why, what do you need and what do you desire? Start with what you need, that is how it works. And the phrase, "in order to be comfortable I need" doe not include a Mazarati and a mansion, it is basic needs. You have to start with the basics.

Nah, you can manifest a billion at once and the Masarati. The powrrball has gone up to a billion I believe in recent times
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