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Old 09-05-2011, 10:09 PM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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Originally Posted by tilia
HI all

thanks for the replies. I have been reading and pondering.

I was chatting to the Ash tree in the garden and got the same message as Internal Queries leans towards.... I have a choice, be here and be happy or be here and be miserable.. they are my only choices. Sadly at the moment there were no pointers on how to ensure that I am happy.

I am an emotional scorpio and when I am being emotional that is ALL I am. I don't see outside it. Somehow I have to learn to detach myself from the emotion and see it for what it is....

But, Ash said that I didn't need the answers straight away. He had me saw off a dead branch.. that took ages and lots of work.. to show me things aren't always fast but if I keep working at it I will get there.

I have had a lovely weekend in my garden, connecting, loving, creating. I have been surrounded by people I love and it has been wonderful.. no need to escape from that.

Sadly it's back to the outside world tomorrow and I will be wanting to escape again :( Day1, lesson 1 I guess.

Ok, well I quoted the wrong message but I'll just put my input here anyway:

You said you have trouble bringing that Love and Light down into the real world. This connection is symbolized by the crown chakra (7th). This is where spirit connects to physicality. You might try doing some work on this chakra, or putting energy into strengthening that connection if you're not into the chakra model.

The physical world can be a very hard place for people like you. My wife has also spent many years 'up there', ignoring the real world. She has only just come back 'down' around the beginning of this year. It has been hard and a little frustrating to watch. Its a lot like watching a child learn to walk, you are constantly afraid they will fall and hit their head on something, but you just have to let it all happen and take joy in them learning something new.

It will get easier. Have faith in that thought.
With Love,
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