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Old 11-01-2016, 12:05 AM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
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Originally Posted by innerlight
Except it's only from a place of "arrogance" can one assume that one is not growing in wisdom and love because they consume a meat product. One can be very loving and compassionate and very in tune with life and the earth and consume meat. Only when we assume we know them and how they live their life can we reach such judgements.

You say herbivores don't resort to savagery.. But one could also say they they viciously pluck the leaves from the ground to make themselves a salad. Savagery and violence can be seen anywhere, and perhaps if that plant could walk away, it also would walk out the door, and not be made into food, much in the same way that chicken you used as an example earlier.

Bloodshed is a part of life. Our earliest ancestors had to adapt their diets to consume what they needed to to survive. There was an article just recently about the real life king kong, who dies out because of refusal to adapt its diet. Not everyone can eat just plants and fruits. That does not make them any less of a person than someone who doesn't.

You're in the 'Vegetarian and Vegan' section remember ...

I think we'll leave it there.
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.
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