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Old 12-05-2017, 02:40 PM
keokutah keokutah is offline
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Posts: 562
Protection tools are great for beginners who don't have confidence. Because in order to use the visualization techniques to protect yourself, you have to be confident in your spiritual abilities and most times beginners aren't confident in themselves...

So, I'd suggest a program for you to follow:

1. Buy some sage (a smudging stick). No matter how unconfident you are in your ability to protect yourself, sage will always cleanse away negative energies and it will protect you. Smudge yourself and your entire house, and make sure to do this on a regular basis.

2. Buy some protective crystals and wear it on you at all times, and make sure to also smudge it and keep it cleansed on a regular basis. Just google it or buy a book on crystals if you don't know what crystals are good for that.

3. Use the 4 elements to cleanse yourself. Every time you are in the shower, or in the rain or swimming, ask the water element to cleanse you. Every time you are in the wind, ask the wind to cleanse you. Every time you are outside, ask Earth to cleanse you. Sit beside your fireplace or a candle and ask the fire element to cleanse you.

4. Work on strengthening your spirit and aura. Chances are if you're dealing with psychic attacks you're aura is wounded and needs healing. It will heal by itself if you cleanse yourself regularily and focus on loving yourself and taking care of yourself. Soon, it will be big and powerful again and nothing will be able to get in. Physical activity is great because it not only strengthens your body, but it also strengthens your aura and spirit, and confidence.

5. Start to strengthen your confidence in yourself. Do whatever it takes for you to realize that no one can have power over you except yourself. This might require therapy, self-work, the important thing is you don' t have to rely on tools to protect you when you are confident in yourself. The truth is, your spirit is big and powerful and no one can harm it unless you allow them to. You don't actually "need" protection because your confidence is capable of protecting yourself. But if you lack confidence and you believe you are weak and vulnerable, you are letting him harm you, so you use the spiritual tools to protect yourself until you are able to firmly believe that nothing and no one can harm you.

You can ask your spirit guides and angels to protect you, and you can imagine cutting cords, but if there's an emotional attachment you're going to have to psychologically let go of the "emotions" in order to get rid of it or else it will just keep coming back.
Usually, when we have a psychic attack, it's important to forgive and let go. Like Dan mentioned, it's important to be loving and compassionate rather than fear based and hateful in these circumstances.
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