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Old 16-01-2013, 08:07 AM
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The Illusion of Channeling

In the human realm there is a held belief that channeling is something separate from other activities and expressions of the mind. This notion makes no sense to the Higher Self. Let us examine fundamentally what channeling is. Channeling is quite simply a process of transferring energy/information (energy and information are really the same thing) from one vibrational format to another. This is very basic. This ability is not "special." You ALL do this. In fact, if all were not already channeling, there could be no perception and no experience of a "me" in relation to another "me." Indeed, when speaking in terms of bringing forth energy and information that is in alignment with "higher consciousness," then channeling can be understood to be that which is inspired by love, inspired by Divinity. However, even that perspective is limiting to your spiritual growth, because you are then devaluing the purpose and validity of information that may be highly distorted. Calling any information "garbage" is usually (but not always) a very low-level, juvenile attitude in which one refuses to acknowledge the value and service that the "dark" plays in their learning process. This is not to say that any particular information is "dark," but rather that when you judge any information as that which you do not resonate with, and you sustain a negative reaction towards that information rather than appreciating it for simply being yet another human perspective and opinion, you are then actually RESONATING with your own lower ego, your own fear/negativity/belief in separation. Yet, through learning what channeling really is, understanding its simple basis, your perception is expanded to include appreciation for ALL information/perspectives/opinions. Every word that comes forth from your mouth is opinionated, for an opinion is simply an individual perspective. Beliefs are opinions as well as "facts" (not Divine Fact, but relative, subjective facts). It is not one or the other. Beliefs are thoughts, just as personal facts, personal truths, are thoughts; beliefs and personal facts are the same. Your beliefs are your personified facts. Now, are not all your human thoughts channeled through your brain/receiver mechanism, whether these thoughts are "good" or "bad?" Thoughts, of course, do not originate from the physical brain, as they always exist "outside" of space/time as you know it.

Understanding these basic concepts, would one not then clearly perceive that ALL information, ALL energy, is funneled/channeled through the same universal process? Regardless of whether or not one feels, "Oh, I resonate with this; this was definitely channeled!" Whether you resonate with anything or not is not the point and means nothing to the fundamental nature of what channeling REALLY is, which is neutral and unbiased. Channeling, by this broad understanding, is not something special at all. It is the basic space/time process of creation. (It extends beyond what humans generally perceive as space/time, but this could be another treatise in itself.) All thought/energy/information is channeled, period. There is no real distinction here between the "Higher Self" that inspires this message and the personality that channels it. There is really but One Universal Mind here behind this illusion called channeling. This is where this message takes a slight turn, for although it was essentially previously stated that "This is what channeling is," from one perspective, all the while it is understood by this Awareness that channeling itself is but a game that consciousness plays for fun. Your minds never really switch from a "channeling state" to a non-channeling state. Such a concept is insane. ALL OF CREATION IS CHANNELED, in your terms. Yet, all of creation is a game of Universal Consciousness. A game in which there are no real winners nor losers. This being a grand illusion doesn't mean, of course, that your experiences are not "real" and "valid" to you from the perspectives that you have. According to your individual and collective definitions and rules, all that you experience is real for you, and your Higher Self plays this game along with you, albeit from a state of always remembering that it is all a game, a movie in the Universal Mind. When you, dear Truth-seekers, come to deeply understand this metaphysical logic, you experience a sense of freedom from limitations that is unparalleled by anything that the ego can offer you. You have a much broader, grander understanding of the nature of channeling, and you demonstrate your Self-mastery in a way that parallels the awakened state of being that your Higher Self abides in and AS. 11:11 symbolism, you SEE! :)
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