Thread: Houdini Seance
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Old 03-11-2011, 02:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Yes he is.

What happened was, after reading about that encounter, I was so choked up with emotion, that I could't help but start crying. When I called out to him, I began to see a vision of myself dressed in the clothing of the time period, and I was knocking on the back door of the theater. When Harry opened the door, he saw me as a lady in distress, wiping my eyes with a lacy handkerchief, as if I were truly a part of his time warped reality bubble. At first, he was too busy to deal with me and tried to make me leave, but when the tears just started rolling down my face even harder, he finally showed more of an interests in why I was there. He was such a gentleman, and genuinely wanted to help me with what ever was distressing me so badly. So I started pleading with him to really look at me; to really see where I was, sitting in front of a computer; to really see how time had changed since his death. And it worked! After he finally saw the world as it is now, I was able to tell him all the things I've told all the other lost souls and trapped ghosts, about what awaits them on the other side of the Light.

He went into the Light that day, but he did come back to hang around with me for a while after that. He was so very curious about modern technology. Sometimes, he'd even come to work with me to watch me doing my technical job. And one time, he even introduced me to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. That was pretty awesome. But I don't see either one of them very much anymore. I'm ok with that though, because I know they have their own stuff to do. Who knows, they may have even reincarnated since then.
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