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Old 27-04-2014, 10:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Years ago I had the opportunity to ask God a question, there was only one on my mind, and I asked how many people receive salvation? I was taken to heaven, and I seen an angel Eclipse a golden void, and it became a horizon, and there were people viewing this horizon, but not many, about as much as one small section of a set of bleacher seats, so less then 100 people in about 5 to seven rows of seats. Then I thought at the time, that not everyone was saved in the gospel. Then I eventually knew the truth, that God designed creation only to save a limited number of people for his kingdom, a small number in the small thousands, a figure of 6000 + 1 Satan the Zohar, Jewish Calendar Eschology, and Bible appears to uniformly support.

Then there is another kind of salvation, one involving all the people God every thought could inherit the Ascension, but he does not pronounce the final judgment for them, until the very end of time. But with God this is possible through reincarnation, and all the people that have ever lived, God thought could of inherited the new earth, will some how be there alive in this generation, even after mankind is divided by the Cosmic Shift Death, and they will be judged by this process. It appears we are given a figure of 200,000,000 to reference reincarnation to the last day for these people, but unlike the heavenly salvation which was pronounced a few times, this is only pronounced once, so they would have to be reincarnated, because this day at the end of time is the only time of their judgment.

This is the second time I retranslated the material from the Zorah below, but it is still faithful, if not better written for paragraph 21 ... since I forgot to save it the first time.

Chapter 5 The Mother lends Her clothes to Her daughter

16. The Earth and the Heaven surrounding it were created for Melchizedek. As it is written: “When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers”. But before this, it is written, “How majestic is your name in all the earth, who have set your glory above the heavens”. The Heavens were created when God became the incarnation, like Melchizedek the incarnated. However the phrase “above the heavens” refers to the spirit which is called Mother, and above Mother is the deep (space), which is called the heavens (plural). The Meaning of Creation is the incarnation of Elohim’s Glory. He created a light in the image of his light. This means he created the light of cataclysm (one to separate from himself), and is also the light of chasity (the blessing of inheritance), this is named Mother, and the light encloses each other. The Melchizedek is the image of Elohim (not the image of his light), which is the name of Mother. That is why the phrase, “In the beginning Elohim created”, refers Mother and not Melchizedek. Melchizedek was not originally there and has to be constructed (at the end of time). According to the secret of Elohim and Elias (Elohim made Flesh), that we have mentioned earlier.

18. The Word called the name Bible, is given by Elohim Incarnated, to Mother, and this lays the foundation for Melchizedek, just like Elohim’s Light laid the foundation for Mother. “When I remember these (Eleh – the Words of Elohim that are written)”, Means when I utter the words of the law, I am moved with compassion and I shed tears violently, to read the writing in my heart, like Elohim described his love and created Mother. Then I am being lead from above – From Mother, to the house of Elohim, which is for Melchizedek. Melchizedek is man made into Elohim, just like Mother was made apart of God. With this Testimony SHALL I DECLARE THEM OPENLY?! “With the voice of joy and praise, a crowd keeping holiday”. No, Silence is the foundation of the temple in heaven, which is Mother, and the new temple below heaven constructed for Melchizedek. Surely it is the words of the Proverb, “A Elohim’s Word Spoken is worth Mammon (money), but Elohim’s word kept in silence is worth deliverance (salvation). Which is worth infinitely more. Why? Because with my silence (in suffering) two worlds are created, and constructed together. THESE WORLDS ARE MOTHER AND THE WORLD TO COME FOR MELCHIZEDEK, IF I HAD NOT KEPT SILENT, I WOULD NOT HAVE ACHIEVED INCLUSION IN THESE TWO WORLDS.

21. “Of the greatness of his might”, Elohim repents. What is the meaning of “of the greatness of his might?” This is the incarnation where all vanity is sealed with desire, and becomes rebuked by Elohim. The curses ascend through a hidden and secret path … so the desire is sealed and unrepentant. Because Elohim is mighty in strength, and the place of Melchizedek is not yet finished, his glory is held in a mystery, but his word is proclaimed openly. This is the secret of the incarnation we identify as the Mother-The-Rose of Elohim. As we have stated, the phrase “no one is missing” refers to the 6000 that he brought forth by the mystery of his name. And because “no one is missing” From the Number 6000 it follows that in every place (of time since the beginning) when they were taken the remainder were judged for their desires (sins). Therefore no one was every missing from the THOUSAND THOUSAND, because the light of Mother is crafted like the light of Elohim. The Heaven shines brightly and the Heavens are full of Stars. So the 6000 called above none is missing and the THOUSAND THOUSAND below has none missing.


The Word Enosh in the Jewish Bible is given three times and its Genealogy in years totals about 6001 when you substract Lamech's 777 years from it. Now Elohim is declared three time, and later salvation with a figure close to 6001 in the Zorah. We know that Enosh return to god in a Body of Flesh, and Melchizedek is man made to God. So the parallel is very similar, these figure is seen a few times in the gospel and it is in this subject. As Goliath was a god like man and had a weaver's beam with a dimension in numeral figures like 6001. Something to think about. If there are no more question, I will likely wrap this discussion up, we must keep the attention of this relationship focused on an individual, until it is no longer a threat to mankind. (Edit there was a Beam from the popular Roswell UFO Account, with some unidentified symbols on it, possibility a reference to Goliath, a god like man, or perhaps not?)
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